- I.T.S.
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- Dairy & Dairy-Free Flavourings
Dairy & Dairy-Free Flavourings
From reducing the sugar content in milkshakes to creating champagne-flavoured cheddar cheese (no, really), I.T.S. have a proven track record of helping brands keep one step ahead of flavour trends and health trends in the dairy industry.
We’re able to deliver a range of both ready-to-apply and bespoke flavour, profile and texture solutions for sweet dairy products like milk drinks, ice cream, yoghurts and puddings or savoury products like cheese. What’s more, thanks to our in-house dairy specialist, we’re able to deliver innovative solutions for anything from reducing formula costs to improving taste by using special top-notes. And we’ll help you respond to new and emerging trends like using plant-based or dairy-free alternatives to milk.
Find out more below or don’t hesitate to get in touch if you’ve got any questions about what we could do for you.


Ice cream




Breakfast drinks
We’ve a range of off the shelf solutions to help you improve the taste, texture and health of your products. Take a look below to find out more.
Natural Flavours
We offer a huge range of both liquid and powdered natural flavours with low MOQ’s to help get you started. Plus, they are all plant-based and allergen-free.
Masking and Bridging
Found a flavour you really love and want to replicate it? Or maybe you want to mask a bad taste? No fear, we have flavour solutions to help.
Health Ingredients
Whether it’s products with reduced salt, sugar or calories, or brands looking to develop dairy-free alternatives, we’ve got flavours for you.
We were contacted by a prominent dairy company with a fantastic brief: to create a champagne-flavoured mature cheddar cheese! Working hand in hand with their team, we developed concepts around a sparkling wine-flavoured natural flavoured theme that were developed and evaluated in the cheese by crumbling and re-moulding it with the liquid flavouring incorporated.
This process enabled us to establish the correct flavour profile and dosage to cut through the acidity of the cheese. The product was successfully launched into the marketplace and received positive feedback from consumers.

Whether you’ve got a specific project in mind or you’re just not feeling the love from your current flavour house, why not get in touch for a chat? (We’ll put the kettle on.)